Over half of South Africa’s marshes and vleis have disappeared. Sleeping mats go for E300 ($ 17) in South Africa. Threats to wetlands. > Of South Africa’s 791 wetland ecosystem types, 48% are critically endangered, 12% are endangered, 5% are vulnerable, and 35% are least threatened making wetlands the most threatened ecosystems of all in South Africa. Dullstroom in Mpumalanga is a very popular tourist destination. This floodplain in Limpopo occasionally erupts with activity, holding up to … Nkhositsini Dlamini, the secretary for Lawuba Wetland, concurs with Hlanze adding that in one season she generated E23,000 ($ 1,310) from sleeping mats whose fibre she harvested from the wetland. The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) contributes to South Africa’s sustainable development by facilitating access to biodiversity data, generating information and knowledge, building capacity, providing policy advice, showcasing and conserving biodiversity in its national botanical and zoological gardens. The National Biodiversity Assessment 2011 (NBA 20011) has found. This unchannelled valley-bottom wetland is 33ha in size and is situated near the coastal town of Hermanus, South Africa (Lat: -34.389527 & Lon: 19.227932. South Africa has an obligation to look after its Ramsar site and to ensure that it is adequately conserved. Marshes and ponds, the edge of a lake or ocean, the delta at the mouth of a river, low-lying areas that frequently flood—all of these are wetlands. The aim of the NWMP is to assess and monitor the extent of wetlands, the threats to wetlands and the change in the present ecological state (PES) and ecosystem services provided by wetlands in South Africa. Image by Mark Olalde. Healthy rivers and wetlands are necessary to address one of the most crucial issues in our country today – that of water security. Wetlands play a vital role in society, yet they remain among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth. 531 The distribution and state of mangroves along the coast of Transkei, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa J.B. Adams*, B.M. Download Seamless Wetlands Data. Tropical Africa harbours 30 000 plant species in almost 20 million km2 – only 3,5 times as many species in an area 235 times as large. Approximately 300 000 wetlands remain, making up only 2.4% of South Africa’s area. Threats were listed on the questionnaire in accordance with the IUCN–CMP Unified Classification of Direct Threats Version 3.2., and based on Salafsky et al. The present study focused on two Ramsar wetlands in South Africa namely Lake Sibaya and the Makuleke Wetlands. The rich biodiversity and natural beauty of wetlands make them an important focus for conservation. ... South Africa. Because of its incredible biodiversity, the country is home to an abundance of beautiful wildlife. The Onrus wetland is underlain with peat and plays an important role in climate change mitigation. Threats. South Africa has a Water Act that is the envy of the world. The Convention secretariat maintains a list of threatened Ramsar wetlands, and assists member countries by sending monitoring teams to advise on how to conserve these threatened wetlands. The National Biodiversity Assessment 2011 found that over 65% of South Africa’s wetlands and river systems have been damaged and half have been lost. Tourism facilities are also often built by draining wetlands. Printed in the Netherlands. Wetlands are ecosystems in which water covers the land. Many of the adverse impacts of human activities on biodiversity manifest themselves most strongly in the wetlands of South Africa. The impacts of sugarcane farming emanates from the fact that sugarcane is a mono crop that requires wetland resources and uses a lot of pesticides and fertilisers. The following sections will address the threats to biodiversity, as well as how these threats may affect the future of South Africa. However, there are key challenges in Africa around the availability, usability and quality of data, willingness to use data, and capacity. Wetlands under threat The United States has lost more than half of its original wetlands due to drainage, conversion to farmland or other forms of development. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) said a considerable threat to the sustainability of wetlands in South Africa is contamination through pollution. Sadly, wetlands are threatened by many human activities. Threats to wetlands Given the importance of wetlands in the Municipality, they need to be protected and in some cases properly managed. International Recognition for Conservation. It is the largest of only three estuarine lake systems in the country, with a water surface of 300km2 and a … Over 70% of South Africa’s wetland ecosystem types have no protection and only11% are well protected. Wetlands are prime aquatic ecosystems which contribute to biodiversity and the source of pristine water, but human interference and urban growth have left many wetlands under threat. It is one of the principal avifaunal breeding areas in South Africa as 339 bird species (62% of the total list) are known to, or are considered to breed, in the Park. We can avoid these consequences by maintaining the valuable wetlands we still have and restoring lost or impaired wetlands where possible. The study provides examples from the Intunjambili wetland in Tuli, Botswana, the Motlapitsi wetland in the Olifants River in South Africa and the Chibuto wetland in the Changane River, in Mozambique. A keen eye on facts saved this biodiverse wetland for now: threats to be aware of September 16, 2020 11.04am EDT. She sells her handicraft in Johannesburg at a higher price compared to when selling in Eswatini. One of the biggest threats to biodiversity on our landholdings in South Africa is from invasive alien plants (IAP). It is a combined project of the World Wildlife Fund South Africa (WWFSA) and the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA), together with two funders, the Mazda Wildlife Fund and Mondi Forestry. South Africa is perhaps the world's leading biodiversity hotspot (an area especially rich in biodiversity and facing critical threats to species extinction) and ranks third in the world for biological diversity. Draining of wetlands to make space for agriculture or construction work is one of the biggest threats to such areas. A study in 2004 showed that less than one percent of seasonal wetlands are protected in South Africa. South Africa is blessed with various natural environments - lush indigenous forests, scenic mountain ranges, grasslands, wetlands, indigenous coastal fynbos and arid deserts. According to the department, the campaign forms part of South Africa’s activities in marking the World Wetlands Day celebrated on 02 February 2019. Mpumalanga. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) said a considerable threat to the sustainability of wetlands in South Africa is contamination through pollution. Official name: Makuleke Wetlands: Designated: 22 May 2007: Reference no. Executive Director of the Marico Biosphere Reserve Daan Van Der Merwe says some wetlands are … … Al- though fairly resilient systems, wetlands are sensitive to certain man-made im- pacts. South Africa: A Keen Eye On Facts Saved This Biodiverse Wetland for Now - Threats to Be Aware of Bernard DUPONT/Flickr The Wakkerstroom wetland reserve in Mpumalanga, South Africa in 2019. many wetlands are at risk of degradation which poses grave danger to the eco-system. Yet, despite their importance and value, wetland areas are experiencing immense pressure across the continent. It requires certain studies and processes before a water use licence can be issued, to protect the resource from overuse. It is used to inform policies, strategies and activities for managing and conserving biodiversity more effectively. The intention of this report is to identify whether As of April 2018, approximately 67% of our conservation area network was in a ‘maintained’ state. wetlands cover between 125 and 131 million hectares (Mha) in Africa and between 204 and 286 Mha in Asia. An early comprehensive mapping of national wetlands was via the South Africa National Biodiversity Institute Wetland Map which included some 100,000 wetland systems, based largely on remotely sensed imagery. South Africa’s history of industrialisation, migrant labour policy and infrastructure development has profoundly affected the socio-economic and political relations in South Africa and in the region; and South Africa continues to dominate in a changing global context with new opportunities for regional cooperation. We monitor the status, distribution, and threats to … The entire iSimangaliso Wetland Park is a designated Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (BirdLife South Africa, 2015) and also contains Key Biodiversity Areas. The Savanna Biome is the largest Biome in southern Africa, occupying 46% of its area, and over one-third the area of South Africa. 1687: The Makuleke Contractual Park or Pafuri Triangle constitutes the northernmost section of the Kruger National Park, South Africa, and comprises approximately 240 square kilometres of land. Added to the threat posed by global warming, a high level of poverty which leaves much of the country without access to plumbing or electricity, and an ever-increasing population growth rate, South Africa has to act fast to save the water supply it does have. Biodiversity is being lost in wetlands at a faster rate than any other biome. Of South Africa’s 791 wetland ecosystem types, 48% are critically endangered, 12% are endangered, 5% are vulnerable, and 35% are least threatened making wetlands the most threatened ecosystems of all in South Africa. Over 70% of South Africa’s wetland ecosystem types have no protection and only11% are well protected. ECOSYSTEM THREATS This decrease in available water can also lead to a reduction of some wetlands, groundwater depletion and even impact water quality (e.g. > Over 70% of South Africa’s wetland ecosystem types have no protection and only 11% are well protected. Johannesburg is the only global city to be located on a continental divide, while South Africa has one of the … The high rainfall variability as well as the ever present threats of droughts from GGH 3701 at University of South Africa SAEON Grasslands-Forests-Wetlands Node Science Plan 2016-18 “South Africa is committed to addressing climate change based on science and equity” 2015, COP21 SA’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution pledge Introduction and context The South African temperate grassland biome covers approximately one third of the Here are some of the activities that threaten or have already damaged wetlands in national parks and elsewhere: Roads, dikes and levees can have damaging impacts on wetlands if they alter natural fresh water or tidal flow patterns... Drainage ditches … These include flood attenuation, sediment trapping, improving water quality and being areas of rich biodiversity. It is not possible to map the historical occurrence of wetlands in South Africa, and in substantial parts of the country outright loss of wetlands is estimated to be more than 50% of the original wetland area. ecosystems. Wetlands Ecology and Management 12: 531–541, 2004. An R2.5 million artificial wetland is set to be built next to the Mbekweni informal settlement in Paarl, Western Cape. It gives an overview of wetland types in southern Africa, highlighting key characteristics and important attributes. It further reviews the many functions and values attributed to wetlands of the region, focusing on those which are of particular importance by highlighting the threats and issues of concern facing wetland environments relation to the rest of South Africa. Edith Stephens Wetland Park Cape Town South Africa.jpg 427 × 616; 95 KB False Bay Ecology Park with landfill site - Cape Town.jpg 800 × 504; 137 KB Rondevlei wetlands … ; The contaminated water threatens the future of farms which use the water for irrigation. NWI data can be accessed in several ways depending on your needs. The International Crane Foundation/Endangered Wildlife Trust Partnership for Africa focuses on the iconic Grey Crowned Crane, the wetlands they depend on, and the communities that share these lands across Africa. Wetlands protect and regulate the water resource. Acting like giant sponges, they hold back water during floods and release it during dry periods. In a dry country like South Africa, this is crucial. By regulating water flows during floods, wetlands reduce flood damage and help prevent soil erosion. Dredging of streams lowers the surrounding water table and … The iSimangaliso Wetland Authority was also worried about the increasing volume of regional water being used for mining and other purposes in … In an effort to preserve wetlands, ESA began the GlobWetland project in 2003 to address these threats using satellite imagery. Values: The iSimangaliso (St Lucia) Wetland Park covers one of the largest estuarine systems in Africa, and the world heritage site encompasses a 220km-long strip of coastal lowlands, including the St Lucia estuary itself, the surrounding mosaic of swamps, woodlands, grasslands and dune forest, as well as a marine reserve of beaches, offshore marine environments and coral reefs. Verloren Vallei Nature Reserve. It is not possible to map the historical occurrence of wetlands in South Africa, and in substantial parts of the country outright loss of wetlands is estimated to be more than 50% of the original wetland area. Effective conservation and management of wetlands biodiversity requires data on species status and threats to inform decision-making. Dumping: Dumping fill materialburies hydric soils and effectively lowers the water table so hydrophytic (waterloving) plants cannot compete with upland plants. Despite their value, wetlands are being destroyed by human threats and invasive species. The outstanding diversity of habitats (terrestrial, wetland, coastal and aquatic) supports a wide variety of animal species, some at the northern and many at the southern limit of their range. Three years later, the wetland and scientific communities are reviewing the role of Earth observation technologies in wetland preservation. The destruction of wetlands is a concern because they are some of the most productive habitats on the planet. Wetlands as natural purifying systems ... 3.1 Threats to Biodiversity in South Africa There are three primary issues that can be associated with the current degradation of biodiversity in South Africa. River regulation and water diversion are the biggest threats to NSW wetlands. Although complete documentation is lacking, wetlands make a significant part of Ethiopia covering an area of 13,700 km2. The provincial government says the Berg River is being contaminated by waste water and refuse off-flow from the settlement. South Africa… One-third of the 112 Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) of South Africa are facing imminent danger of irreversible damage, according to a new report published today by BirdLife South Africa. The country is ranked sixth out of the world's seventeen megadiverse countries, and is rated among the top 10 for plant species diversity and third for marine endemism. A stream ran through it: How a healthy river system cleans up effluent and improves water quality to … In some catchments in South Africa, studies reveal that over 50% of the wetlands have already been destroyed. In South Africa, a considerable threat to the sustainability of wetlands is contamination through pollution. ICLEI Wetland Management Guidelines May 2018 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Summary of the typical ecosystem services provided by natural ecosystems..... 2 Figure 2 An example of a typical modified wetland located within an urban setting. However, there is currently a major threat to this wetland and the nearby Zandvlei Nature Reserve in the shape of the proposed R300 (N21) ring road. The NBA is led by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) as part of their mandate to monitor the status of South Africa’s biodiversity. Threats to Wetlands. This can damage some wetland types by causing channel formation and drainage, or can clog streams with sediment. Groundwater withdrawals for water supply can lower water levels in some wetland systems, changing habitats for plants, fish or other aquatic life. The following species are recommended for use on floating wetlands in the Western Cape of South Africa due to high survival rates: Cyperus dives, Cyperus fastigiatus, C. textilis, Juncus effuses and Schoenoplectus scirpoides. Yet wetlands are some of the most threatened habitats in the world today. The status of wetlands, threats and the predicted effect of global climate change: The situation in Sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, in this study area, agriculture in the form of sugarcane farming is a threat to wetlands as sugarcane is reliant on a good water supply. Source A: SA Wetlands under threat South Africa’s wetlands are the most threatened ecosystem in the country. The Rondevlei Nature reserve is rich in biodiversity; unique, indigenous plant life and over 200 bird species, including pelicans, ducks and herons are found here. But the National Biodiversity Assessment released on 3 October 2019 shows that our rivers and wetlands are among the most threatened ecosystems in South Africa and are currently in poor ecological condition. They are also internationally important from a conservation perspective, feeding the Heuningnes Estuary at the CapeNature De Mond Reserve, a Ramsar site (one of South Africa’s 26 wetlands of international importance) and an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area, and with examples of critically endangered fynbos types. These terms refer to altering the natural flow of rivers, streams, floodplains and wetlands. Wetlands are valuable ecosystems on which humans depend through the utilisation of the ecological goods and services including water for domestic and commercial use. In the recent years, there have been threats to wetlands across all the four AEZs [3, 22]. wetlands cover between 125 and 131 million hectares (Mha) in Africa and between 204 and 286 Mha in Asia. The Department of Environmental Affairs will from Monday embark on a week-long robust public awareness drive to urge South Africans to protect and conserve wetlands in the North West province. SA’s wetlands are the most threatened ecosystem in the country … The CSIR is working hard in ensuring the sustainability of wetlands in South Africa. In South Africa, a considerable threat to the sustainability of wetlands is contamination through pollution. Because of its incredible biodiversity, the country is home to an abundance of beautiful wildlife. Press Release - Today, 2 February 2021, South Africa joins the nations of the world in celebration of the World Wetland Day with this year's theme of: "Wetlands and Water". Wetlands are known to perform a number of important functions within ecosystems. Nylsvley Nature Reserve. (2008), adopting a spread of first- to third-order threats as appropriate for the species group (Table 2). The Onrus catchment is home to the water supply dam of the town of Hermanus. African wetlands are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems on the continent, covering more than 131 million hectares, according to the Senegalese-based Wetlands International Africa (WIA). South Africa has an obligation to look after its Ramsar site and to ensure that it is adequately conserved. A stream meanders through a wetland in Wakkerstroom, Mpumalanga. So special is the Cape Floral Kingdom that it has been designated one of the planet’s six plant kingdoms, putting it on a par with the Boreal Forest Kingdom which covers a massive 50 million km2. Figure 5, 6 & 7 African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) (left), Bushveld rain … The most common methods of doing this are by building dams, weirs and other structures on rivers and waterways. It warned that specific projects would need to be based on more detailed information. Since colonial times, over half of the wetlands in the lower 48 states have been lost due to development, agriculture and silviculture, including 20% of Maine's wetlands. The sprawling Tompoun/Cheung Ek wetlands, just south of Phnom Penh, play a vital role in sustaining the Cambodian capital, acting as a natural store … 1NBA, 2011 Local Action for Biodiversity: Wetlands South Africa Local Action for Biodiversity (LAB): Wetlands Approximately 300 000 wetlands remain, making up only 2.4% of South Africa… These include flood attenuation, sediment trapping, improving water quality and being areas of rich biodiversity. The Mondi Wetland Project (MWP) plays the role of catalysing the wise use and rehabilitation of wetlands in South Africa. In South Africa, a considerable threat to the sustainability of wetlands is contamination through pollution. The Reserve is among the most important wetlands for birds in South Africa and a number of vital breeding sites are located here. South Africa. One of the few places in the country where all three of … Wetlands play a vital role in the hydrological cycle. • Ghana: several major rivers being polluted by domestic & municipal waste, agrochemicals and mining discharges. The NBA was undertaken between 2015 and 2019. The aim of the NWMP is to assess and monitor the extent of wetlands, the threats to wetlands and the change in the present ecological state (PES) and ecosystem services provided by wetlands in South Africa. Because of the rapid loss and degradation of wetlands, South Africa signed the Ramsar Convention , an international agreement to protect wetlands. In South Africa, Harmse and Le Grange showed temporary wetlands in urban surroundings of the city of Johannesburg exhibiting high levels of litter and nutrients concentrations as a result of increasing human activity (mainly recreational) and distance to the nearest human settlements. According to the National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (NFEPA), the Free State has the highest number of wetlands in South Africa (South African National Biodiversity Institute [SANBI] 2010 in Collins 2011). The entire iSimangaliso Wetland Park is a designated Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (BirdLife South Africa, 2015) and also contains Key Biodiversity Areas. Vegetation analysis of wetlands in the Klerksdorp Municipal Area, North West Province, South Africa E. van Wyk, 1 S.S. Cilliers, 2 G.J. This road is a toll road and a profit-making, private undertaking. Credit: eNCA / Bianca Ackroyd. Therefore, there is a need to understand, conserve and restore them. South Africa. The region is a Strategic Water Source Area, the segments of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland that make up 8 percent of land area but account for 50 percent of water supply. Dullstroom is situated 2,100 m above sea-level, making it one of the highest (and coldest) towns in South Africa. The disturbance or loss of wetlands has been directly linked with numerous natural disasters and species loss, both within South Africa and globally. iSimangaliso Wetland Park supports more than 500 bird species and is one of the most important breeding areas for waterbirds in South Africa, with at least 48 species having bred here. Wetlands as natural purifying systems ... serious threat to the biodiversity of South Africa (Olivier et al., 2009). • South Africa: 90% and 58% of wetlands resources lost from Tugela and Mfolozi basins. The Wattled Crane Bugeranus carunculatus is the most severely threatened crane on the African continent. Healthy wetlands help prevent floods and also act as feeder systems for our river systems, which provide the water resources that humans need for agriculture, industry and urban domestic use. Africa’s wetlands ecosystems are estimated to cover more than 131 million hectares. salt concentration can increase). Its wetlands, if reclaimed and rehabilitated, can help replenish the thirsty nation. In fact, some of the most important wetlands are only seasonally wet. Yet, despite their importance and value, wetland areas are experiencing immense pressure across the continent. ECOSYSTEM THREATS Invasive alien plants Erosion Developments within and around wetlands and Draining of wetlands Pollution and excess nutrients Burning of wetlands Mining Mondi has an intensive programme to monitor and control the spread of IAPs within the conservation network of our landholdings. The highest rates of wetland loss occurred between the 1950s and the 1970s, until conservation movements considerably slowed the rate of decline [source: EPA].But wetlands are still under threat. However, the U.S Department of Agriculture cited in Desta (2006) states that the world’s wetlands cover about 18.8 million Km2 (approximately 13.7% of the Earth’s surface area).In Africa, it is estimated that 4% of the land surface is covered by wetlands (Lehner and Döll, 2004). ecosystems. PHOTO: Wetlands in South Africa are under threat due to rapid urbanisation and illegal dumping. Percentage of Wetlands Acreage Lost, 1780s–1980s Destroying or degrading wetlands can lead to serious consequences, such as increased flooding, extinction of species, and decline in water quality. Mary Scholes, ... South Africa has a … Table 4 shows the most important threats to the wetlands of the eThekwini Munici- … It supports an average of 5 550 birds in summer, but in good years the number is boosted to above 15 000. It is well developed over the lowveld and Kalahari region of South Africa and is also the dominant vegetation in neighboring Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Increasing temperatures and changed rainfall patterns will affect African agricul- Wetlands are known to perform a number of important functions within ecosystems. Overall, scientists estimate that wetlands cover at least 6% of the world’s land area.2 In South America, the best estimate is approximately 179 Mha. It is a "state-of-wetland" reporting programme, designed to demonstrate trends in the state or integrity (biological, physical and chemical components of its ecosystem and their interactions) of wetlands … The Convention secretariat maintains a list of threatened Ramsar wetlands, and assists member countries by sending monitoring teams to advise on how to conserve these threatened wetlands. Two of the exhibits are based on the theme of the day: The ‘Sappi River Meander’ will explain the flora and fauna residing in the South African Wetlands and ‘The Story of a River’ will outline coastal river-mouth ecology right up to mountain catchment areas – and will highlight many of the threats facing wetlands. Wetlands are South Africa’s most threatened ecosystem according to the South African National Biodiversity Assessment in 2011. In KwaZulu Natal alone 58% of the wetlands of the Mfolozi River catchment have vanished owing to … Although wetlands are often wet, a wetland might not be wet year-round. Dredging: The removal of material from a wetland or river bed. In December 2014, a FloodList article highlighted flooding threats to a number of airports internationally.. A Eurocontrol study in 2008 (“Challenges of growth” environmental update study, January 2009) identified some 34 local, regional and international airports, including Marseille-Provence Airport and London City Airport, that were at risk of being affected by sea level rise. Integrity In a prioritisation of South Africa’s estuaries, Rietvlei has been ranked as the sixth most important coastal wetland in South Africa for waterbirds. The disturbance or loss of wetlands has been directly linked with numerous natural disasters and species loss, both within South Africa and globally. Overall, scientists estimate that wetlands cover at least 6% of the world’s land area.2 In South America, the best estimate is approximately 179 Mha. They provide economical, ecological, societal and recreational benefits to humans. The entire iSimangaliso Wetland Park is a designated Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (BirdLife South Africa, 2015) and also contains Key Biodiversity Areas. Repeatable standards and accurate methods for … African Clawless Otters occur on the east and south coasts of South Africa and sporadically up the west coast to Langebaan, the Berg River Estuary, Cederberg, and all … They deliver a wide range of ecosystem services that contribute to human well-being such as nutrition, water supply and purification, climate and flood regulation, coastal protection, feeding and nesting sites, recreational opportunities and increasingly, tourism. To display and query wetlands data in your software application please use our Web Map Services.This will ensure you have the latest data and reduce data management overhead. and 35% are least threatened making wetlands the most threatened ecosystems of all in South Africa. Map showing the study site, Blesbokspruit wetland catchment area in Gauteng, South Africa (Source: Google Earth); (A), the upper catchment of the wetland in pristine condition (B), the middle part of the wetland without water pollution (C), and the lower part of the wetland … Of South Africa’s 791 wetland ecosystem types, 48% are critically endangered, 12% are endangered, 5% are vulnerable, and 35% are least threatened making wetlands the most threatened ecosystems of all in South Africa. Aquatic Science , 75 , 95 – 112 . Floating wetlands attracted biodiversity such as … include 11 species endemic to the park, 108 species endemic to South Africa, while 467 species are listed as threatened in South Africa. iSimangaliso Wetland Park supports more than 500 bird species and is one of the most important breeding areas for waterbirds in South Africa, with at least 48 species having bred here. Wetlands are the link between the land and the water. Figure 4 Wetland systems within South Africa. The main culprits have been the drainage of wetlands for crops and pastures, poorly managed burning and grazing that has resulted in headcut # 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. South Africa has already lost more than half its wetlands. South African wetlands range from large open marshes in the upper catchments of mountain ranges to steaming, jungle-like swamp forests along the subtropical eastern coast.
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